Bird of the Year – Submissions

7th Jan, 2024

Alessandra Kite’s rendition of a flying male Bobolink gained the most votes from members, making it our first Bird of the Year logo! You can purchase it on a variety of items at the OFO Redbubble store

Alessandra Kite

Here are the other submissions.

Bird of the Year – Voting on Artwork begins!

29th Oct, 2023

It’s finally time to choose the logo for the OFO Bird of the Year!

We were thrilled to see the number of artistic renditions of the Bobolink that were submitted by talented birder-artists from across Ontario.

All submissions are available to see and vote. Artists names will be kept anonymous for now, this will make for more fair voting so that you chose your favourite art and not a name you know.

Please vote soon! Voting will be open until November 8th, so cast your vote before then.

The submission that receives the most votes will be crowned the winner of the OFO 2024 Bird of the Year logo.

In January, all the submissions including artists’ names will be posted on the OFO website. A large selection of items carrying the logo, from clothing to mugs, will be available for purchase on Redbubble.

Bird of the Year

26th Oct, 2023

We are excited to announce the 2024 OFO Bird of The Year, the Bobolink! This bird was voted on by all members attending the convention on the weekend, narrowly beating out Upland Sandpiper by 20 votes. One of the most sought-after grassland species in the province, and also a very charismatic species with an interesting life history and beautiful plumage, the Bobolink will be a great emblem for our organization next year.

Now, we are putting out a call for Bobolink artwork from our members! If you would like a chance to see your art featured as a logo for a year, plus receive a $500 prize and have your work publicized in OFO News, then please submit your work! Below, you can find out how this will work. 

  • Artists will have until October 26th to submit their work, which is around four weeks from now.
  • After all the submissions are received, OFO members will have a week to vote on them, much like we did to choose the Bird of The Year. To ensure fair voting, the artwork won’t have the artists’ names shown at this time. 
  • Once a winner has been decided on, their design will be uploaded to Redbubble through the OFO account and anyone can go on there and purchase these items in time for the holiday season (hats, shirts, water bottles, etc.). 
  • In January, all submissions will be featured on the OFO website for a month with the artists’ names attached. So, even if you don’t win, your art will still have a chance to be shown.  

Curious about submission rules?  

  • No photographs or AI generated art 
  • If you are scanning your art from paper, have it at least 300dpi.  Higher if the piece is smaller than 8×10” physically.   
  • Digital art, traditional art (ink, paints, etc.) are accepted, however, we will not accept pencil/light sketching, as it will not show up well. 
  • Keep in mind that your art could be used on shirts, hats, or small items like water bottles or mouse pads. Something that will show up well at different sizes is ideal. 
  • Backgrounds are discouraged, but including some is fine.  
  • Please include “OFO” and “2024” on your artwork. How you choose to do this though is up to you. 
  • Submissions can be sent to Once received, we will send you a release form so that we can display and use your art. 
  • Most importantly, have fun!!  


Great Horned Owl
Photo: Frank and Sandra Horvath

Tree Swallow
Photo: Sandra and Frank Horvath

Stilt Sandpiper
Juvenile (front) with Lesser Yellowlegs juvenile
Photo: Daniel Cadieux

Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch
Photo: Chris Escott

Northern Hawk Owl
Photo: Brandon Holden

Red-headed Woodpecker
Photo: Barry Cherriere

Bonaparte's Gull
Photo: Brandon Holden

Blue Jay
Photo: Mark Peck

Common Merganser
Photo: Frank and Sandra Horvath

Brown Pelican
Photo: Sandra and Frank Horvath

Upland Sandpiper
Photo: Ian Stanley

Black-throated Green Warbler
Photo: Sandra and Frank Horvath

Willow Flycatcher
Photo: Sam Barone

Red Knot
Photo: Ken Newcombe

Northern Flicker
Photo: Mark Peck

Great Horned Owl
Snyder's form
Photo: Mark Peck