Convention 2010

Long Point, 25‐26 September 2010

A large group of OFO members and friends (241 registrants) enjoyed a great weekend of birding in the Long Point area and a magnificent banquet and program at Port Dover on Saturday evening. We thank all the organizers and trip leaders who made this such a successful and memorable event.

The final list total for the Long Point weekend is now 177 species, setting a new all-time record for an OFO Convention and breaking the all‐time OFO Convention record of 176 species set at Point Pelee on 3‐4 October 2009!

I incorrectly announced at the Saturday banquet that an Iceland Gull had been seen at Port Stanley on Friday (24 September). I should have said Lesser Black‐backed Gull.

Hope to see you at the OFO Convention at Point Pelee on 17‐18 September 2011.

Ron Tozer

Bird Detective Bridget Stutchbury’s new book.